Oshtlan Island

Oshtra is one of the most mysterious places in MekaVerse, it's not just an island paradise: it's a true Garden of Eden. There is almost no knowledge about this island. No explorer has returned alive, nor have any documents been found to showcase the incredible beauty of this region up close.
People believe that Oshtra possesses magical powers and powerful energy, and once they enter its dense vegetation, they will feel small. There are countless creatures inhabiting the island, living in harmony, although most of them are considered hostile towards humans. A few brave people have ventured through countless typhoons around the island, claiming to have seen an ancient temple in the dense vegetation in the distance, but most people believe that these are just stories of those who pursue fame.
Although this is just a theory, the supernatural appearance suggests that an advanced civilization once existed there. Since the beginning of history, humans have stopped unraveling the mystery of Oshtra due to its dense and unpredictable biome. Even Meikas cannot pass safely.
Oshtland Island is still located in a corner of the world, where the traces of time blend seamlessly with nature, presenting stunning wonders. As a human hell, this natural and pure paradise keeps its secrets from the outside world.

A small part of Oshtland Island

Traverse to the heart of Oshtland, a charming island full of mystery and charm. Stepping into this extraordinary land, a small enchanting place where dense forests stretch endlessly. When you delve into the unknown world, be prepared to be fascinated, because no soul has ever returned from this island - whether it's brave Mika or brave explorers.
When you set out to discover the hidden ruins of the ancient brave guardian Mekas, uncover the secrets of the past. Search for their forgotten artifacts and unravel the mysteries surrounding their existence. But please proceed with caution, as the enchanting wildlife strolling on this land is both beautiful and dangerous. Stay alert, as danger lurks behind every turn, and these mysterious creatures possess awe inspiring and dangerous powers.
In the lush green landscape, there is a magnificent sight - a group of crumbling temple ruins that witness the rich history of the island. Venture into these ancient buildings, explore their echo chambers, and unravel the secrets they have long guarded. In the ruins, echoes of the past intertwine with whispers of the present, summoning you further into the maze like passage of time.

by Willy-B

Legendary creatures on Oshtlan Island

On the coastline of Ostran Island, there are rumors that someone has witnessed a legendary creature from afar.

By comparing the external anatomical features of this organism with well-known animals in the Mekka world, it is speculated that it may be a top predator. However, until the exploration team can safely return and bring back conclusive evidence, all of this is still speculation.

Some people believe that the energy radiation range of Oshtlan Island is wider than people expected, to the extent that observers who claim to have seen this mysterious creature may have only experienced hallucinations due to fear of an impending shipwreck.

by @mech_dealer / Lore by Sonic Steel