Gadian Guardian

After years of baptism, the wise and nature respecting people of Gadian have established a deep alliance with the F9 faction based on common interests and emotions.

Although the territory of the Gadian people is small and plain, their dwelling is located at the top of the mountain, gazing up at the clear sky. It was under this sky that they revealed to the F9 faction the infinite possibilities of the Mekka universe: it was not limited to just one planet, but boundless, far beyond our imagination.


The historical records of the Gadian people are extremely rare in the Mekka universe, and even if they exist, they are difficult to interpret due to the complexity of their language and symbols. It is speculated that the Gadians may have evolved in areas similar to Vitellius, as evidenced by their runes resembling those of OG, which may have collected these runes from the ruins of this city. Through the oral history passed down by Elder Gadian and the occasional discovery of rare manuscripts about local events, we can learn that this faction chose to live in seclusion in the mountains to escape a history filled with evil and long forgotten. Before the formation of various factions, the Gadian people had already thrived in an environment that was both fertile and arid, relatively isolated from other human civilizations.


Although modern Gadians are known for their peace, their early history was filled with feudal disputes and inter tribal conflicts. The specific reasons for these violent acts have not been clearly confirmed, but there are claims that tribes are fighting to find territory far from the Great Vitellius region, which is filled with unpredictable hostility due to the damaged Stargate. It can be affirmed that the Gadians have a mysterious connection with the supernatural and spiritual realms, especially the elders and shamans, who have the closest connection with these dimensions.

Historical Inheritance

In the testimony shared by the Gadians and F9 members, it is mentioned that above the altar of the most sacred Gadian temple, there hangs a tapestry depicting a rich story. The vivid patterns on this tapestry tell the story of the Gadians who once ruled vast territories until one day they were taken away by mysterious figures who showed no mercy to any rebels. The final part of the tapestry shows a gathering of elders who decided to lead their tribe to a safe place in the mountains where they could safely reproduce in isolation in order to protect their people.

In the story, an ancient elder from Gadian recalled:

On a starry night, our journey took us to the entrance of a huge forest. We camped there, enjoying a large caterpillar caught by a hunter and strung on a skewer. As we were about to taste our first bite, a sound in the bushes alerted us. We quickly picked up our weapons and formed a circle to guard against any possible threats. Then, we witnessed a strange looking creature enter the area illuminated by the flames, climb up a nearby rock and sit down, curiously observing us.

It seemed interested in the fragrant caterpillar we were roasting, so our hunter cautiously handed it a small piece. When it started eating, the horns on its head emitted a strong blue light. This seemingly friendly creature - we call it 'Lumi' - joined our journey from then on. It guides us through forests and mountains, and in return, we share the insects captured and cooked along the way. A few weeks later, it led us to a miraculous place at night, where the scenery was so spectacular that we had to witness it with our own eyes to believe it. The fluorescence emitted by Lumi è and distant plants creates a scenery we have never seen before

A call was issued to all Gadian tribes, informing them of the opportunity to unite and coexist peacefully; This land is beautiful and rich, and should have been shared together. When the tribes gathered together, they held a grand week-long celebration, with many familiar Lumi people also participating. To the surprise of the Gadians, the Lumi tribe presented two pearls and a pearl lotus as a welcome gift, which became a part of the faction's emblem in history, symbolizing eternal remembrance.

In the process of exploring their new homeland, the Gadian people occasionally discover huge pearls in the soil, mountains, and waters, although this situation is very rare. Whenever a large pearl is excavated, shamans consider it a treasure, first blessing it in the temple, and then preserving it in the treasury as if it were a sacred object with special significance. As time passed, the people of Gadian gradually became accustomed to a simple and peaceful way of life, and the need to maintain defensive forces also decreased. As the older generation of Gadianmeca drivers age, their family members gradually lose interest in inheriting the role of drivers, as they feel increasingly unnecessary to possess powerful weapons in such a peaceful and isolated place.

For the sake of inheritance rather than just blood lineage, elders and shamans believed it was necessary to maintain this tradition, so they held ceremonies for those who still valued the power of the Mika and were willing to try driving. At first, this seemed like a hopeless attempt as Meika showed signs of rejection towards the new driver.

Years later, the Lumi tribe noticed a significant decrease in the number of activities in Gadianmeca and decided to share a secret with them to provide assistance. They retrieved the pearl lotus flower that was originally kept as a symbol of friendship in the holy temple of Gadian - the Lumi tribe briefly displayed this lotus flower... and then smashed it to the ground in an almost humorous way, an unexpected move that sparked laughter from the shamans, who felt both absurd and curious. Before the shamans could react, the Lumi tribe had already applied the pearl coating of lotus flowers and the oil they secreted onto a nearby small knife, and then walked towards an abandoned Mika with this knife. They gestured for a shaman to lift the oiled knife, and then a shimmering colorful stream of light entered Meika's eyes from the blade, indicating that Meika had accepted the shaman as its new driver.

The shamans decided to make this ceremony a coming of age ceremony, where future warriors would be allowed to forge a ceremonial knife and hold it high as a symbol of their hope of becoming Gadian pilots when they reach adulthood.

Guardian Driver

The Gadian people preserve the tradition of inheriting the Meka, which is not common but highly respected. When a family decides to relinquish their ownership of a Mika, the Mika will be dedicated to the community, and new drivers will have the opportunity to establish a connection with the Mika through necessary rituals. At this ceremony, the candidates will form a long line, their ceremonial knives coated with pearl lotus oil, and each blade will be raised one by one to test whether Mika responds. When Mika chooses her driver, the radiance in her eyes will match the shine on the driver's knife, and this moment is clear and distinguishable. However, unsuccessful candidates will suffer minor injuries as the blades accelerate corrosion under the action of oil and disintegrate in the hands of the knife holder.

Among the united Gadian factions, there are different tribes that respectively guard specific contents of the Pubitas Code, an ancient manuscript believed to have originated during the time of Vitellius. Each chapter of the code contains stories and teachings about how all aspects of life should be considered sacred, and sometimes tribal leaders may raise objections because they feel that the aspects they protect have been violated.

These objections usually appear in the form of verbal arguments, although sometimes there may be physical conflicts between tribes. But all conflicts between tribes are non fatal, and once the conflict ends, it is always accompanied by mutual respect and lessons learned. From an external perspective, the F9 faction believes that this is a way for the Gadians to practice the code of honor, which always seeks to enhance the philosophical concept of how to coexist harmoniously with each other and nature.

Technical attributes

Gadian people have a peaceful nature, but they never slack off in protecting nature and their homeland. Their carefully arranged environmental traps effectively prevent unwelcome guests or potential hostile forces from invading their sacred territory. The Gadian people also use local bird populations as a natural warning system, trained to indicate the level of danger based on the number of birds flying out of the area.

These warning signals provide relatively accurate directional guidance for the people of Gadian, enabling them to plan the best response route based on their familiarity with the terrain. The mountainous terrain is extremely complex, filled with canyons and valleys, nurturing diverse ecosystems. Some areas are thriving due to misty skies and lush vegetation, while others are sparsely populated due to steep terrain and numerous obstacles. Once there is a threat to invade these areas, the Gadians will activate traps aimed at reducing the number of enemies or driving them out.

The periphery of Gadian territory is usually set with non lethal traps, but the deeper the enemy goes, the more dangerous the traps they encounter. At first, it may just be a thick vine used to trip up unsuspecting intruders, but later it could develop into a storm of giant rocks pouring down from high places. At night, the vigilance strategy of the Gadian people shifted to relying on the Lumi tribe, which had become very adept at using their bioluminescence to transmit signals to each other and warn patrolling guardian drivers of imminent threats. In this situation, guardians often choose melee to solve the problem.

Most guardians carry small handheld projectiles or limited supply handheld explosives, which are highly effective at short to medium distances. Guardian swords are forged by generations of blacksmiths scattered across various tribes, who are proficient in various sword making techniques. The reason why the Guardian Sword cannot be replicated by other factions is that only the Gadians have mastered the unique technique of blending pearls into metal.

leisure activities

Hiking is a favorite leisure activity for guardians, and it is common for children to follow and chase after the figures of the Lumi tribe during the hike. Even if the children occasionally deviate from the group, the Lumi tribe always has a way to ensure their safe return to the hiking guide's side.

Guardians often practice meditation to adjust and maintain their physical and mental balance in this world; When they enter a more meditative state, they also explore the mysteries of the universe by looking up at the stars.