
Welcome to the exciting competitive experience field, where Meca mecha and cutting-edge weapons showcase sparks in the fierce collision of skills and strategies! In this dynamic game, we have exclusively designed the latest and most innovative weapons for your Meca mecha. Get ready to immerse yourself in the thrilling 4VS4 battle, set in a hidden arena in a snow covered mountain range. Mechanical engineers spare no expense to provide you with a unique arsenal of weapons. Now, it's time to unleash the destructive power of these weapons and completely defeat your opponents!

In the experimental arena, you will have the opportunity to fight alongside friends and experience intense team battles in depth. Coordinate your tactics, communicate with your teammates, and launch a series of firepower suppression attacks against your opponents. You hold a rich arsenal carefully crafted by skilled mechanics, and every battle is a great opportunity to explore new strategies and dominate the battlefield. From high-energy cannons to clever prototype devices, the arsenal is waiting for you to explore and master.

by Linkonini

Quenching Era

In the early stages of the F-9 exile, members of the faction crossed the area known as the "Land of Quenching" and began building new homes on this frozen land. As time passed, the F-9 faction not only honed their combat skills, but also expanded their arsenal. However, the extremely cold environment makes it extremely difficult to introduce building materials from the outside world. In the first harsh winter after settling down, the F-9 faction patiently waited for the harsh storm to pass before embarking on a journey of transportation exploration. Their target is usually the territory of Gadian, as F9 has established an alliance with the Guardians in previous factional disputes.

The settlers of F-9 firmly believed that these magnificent snow capped mountains could become strategic locations, so they were committed to building this area into a major operational base. Due to the presence of such dangerous natural barriers, most invasion attempts are thwarted by fierce avalanches before the enemy can reach a defensible position, providing a relatively less disturbed construction environment for the F-9 faction.

After the dust of the main war settled, the F-9 and Guardians transformed this land into a monastery to collect ancient documents and artifacts, and became a refuge for refugees fleeing Phantom or OG control. Some historical records show that the wisest leaders of each faction would regularly exchange knowledge with the monastery, working together to unravel the ancient mysteries that describe the architect's legacy in the Mekka universe in ancient times.

by Mahacs with MidJourney_v5 / Lore by Azurerah (edited by Sonic Steel)

Inside the monastery

Utilizing the abundant limestone resources in the area, the walls and floors of the monastery are carefully constructed with wide rectangular stones, some of which are also engraved with the iconic sword patterns unique to the F-9 faction.

The lighting in the main hall comes from a type of crystal that emits a grayish white orange glow, emitting a flame like halo that can be adjusted in size according to different lighting needs. Small crystals are usually embedded in torch devices to illuminate rooms or corridors; The largest crystal can emit sufficient light and serve as a signal light for the monastery's watchtower. Due to the rarity and rarity of these crystals, most indoor spaces rely primarily on natural sunlight for illumination during the day.

by Mahacs with MidJourney_v5 / Lore by Azurerah (edited by Sonic Steel)

Gate 9

The standing of Gate 9 has become an immortal witness to the discipline and determination of the F-9 during its difficult construction process at the site of quenching.

Despite the unpredictable terrain, people are still trying to establish sturdy transportation facilities in areas with relatively stable mountains. Even though detailed surveys were conducted during the planning phase, many projects were forced to be interrupted due to unexpected strong earthquakes caused by nearby avalanches. Under the condition of only basic building materials such as stones and wood, any available resources recovered from failed construction sites are reused for the construction of more promising areas.

As one of the most magnificent achievements, Gate 9 is firmly embedded in rugged terrain with its spectacular posture. It not only becomes a remarkable landmark in itself, but also heralds the arrival of travelers' destination.

by Mahacs with MidJourney_v5 / Lore by Sonic Steel

Yeputmi tribe

In the midst of the towering mountains, there resides a mysterious and unfathomable group of primitive creatures - the Yeputmi tribe. It is said that they are distant relatives who share the same Luxa lineage with Lumi. Each member of the Yeputmi tribe has one or two glowing horns that serve as navigation in low visibility environments when crossing mountain trails. It is generally believed that the number of horns can serve as a marker to distinguish the gender of the Yeputmi tribe. Legend has it that the Yeputmi tribe, who have more than two horns, are ancient wise men in the tribe and are considered the embodiment of wisdom and experience.

The Yeputmi people survive on the cold tundra with their thick white fur, which can provide them with protection from weeks of blizzards and prevent hypothermia. Their short and flexible finger bones can easily grab heavy stones, which not only helps them clear mountain roads, but also facilitates the hunting of vulnerable prey. There is a legend that the Yeputmi tribe regularly migrates to supplement their food sources - occasionally coming to the Lumi habitat at the foot of the mountain. However, no one has ever seen these giant beasts devour Lumi è re with their own eyes, which leads many to believe that there may be a more harmonious and mysterious symbiotic relationship between the Yeputmi tribe and Lumi è re.

by Mahacs with MidJourney_v5 / Lore by Azurerah (edited by Sonic Steel)

Solitude Lighthouse

This isolated lighthouse is an important symbol used by fishermen fishing in icy waters to guide their way back.

The archival records of the fortress indicate that lighthouses are not only used to monitor abnormal situations such as waves and storms, but also have eyewitnesses who have confirmed that during times of war or at night, lighthouses can usually observe some unusual movements on the water surface.

by Mahacs with MidJourney_v5 / Lore by Azurerah (edited by Sonic Steel)

The head of the mysterious Mika

Near the place of quenching, after a large avalanche, the mountain exposed a huge Meca head with mixed characteristics of OG and Guardian mecha. Due to severe damage, explorers and scholars have yet to determine its origin, and due to prolonged exposure to extreme cold environments, most of the wreckage has become too fragile to be effectively excavated or transported for further research.

OG refuses to acknowledge that this is one of their mecas, speculating that it may be a mecha used by architects or a phantom prototype sent out during the fall of the city of Olafia.

by Mahacs with MidJourney_v5 / Lore by Azurerah (edited by Sonic Steel)