F9 faction

The world is not just a battleground between OG and Phantom factions. In ancient times, some members of the High Council who chose self exile due to dissatisfaction aimed to establish their own independent country: the "F-9" faction, where "F" represents the "faction" and "9" represents the number of former OG representatives.


The establishment of the F9 faction is vastly different from the history of other factions, as the F9 faction did not exist in the early history of the Mekka universe. Their origins can be traced back to ancient times, when the OG High Council announced a firm decision to conquer all rich resource regions in order to achieve its mission of a prosperous future. However, this decision has sparked a lot of controversy, with some members of the High Council strongly opposing these brutal strategies. After weeks of ongoing debate and defeat, nine senior representatives left the OG Parliament due to dissatisfaction and chose self exile. During their exile, these nine elders were initially welcomed by the Phantom faction, which was pleased to form an alliance with these former OG members. Both parties signed an agreement to exchange hospitality and resources from the Phantom faction on the condition of OG's information sharing.


This cooperative relationship went smoothly for about six and a half years, until the nine elders began to question the fairness of their arrangements. The shared OG technology secrets have significantly enhanced the technology of Phantom, resulting in a huge consumption of resources within the Phantom control area. The nine elders realized the abundance of rare resources possessed by the Phantom faction and felt that the rewards they received were extremely disproportionate to their contributions to the previously technologically backward Phantom faction.


The nine elders obtained considerable wealth from the alliance, but did not receive corresponding land or assets in return. When they proposed renegotiation, the leaders of the Phantom faction quickly suppressed the idea, believing that they had provided overly generous conditions. Sensing manipulation, the nine elders decided to sever ties with the Phantom faction and no longer consider them allies. This decision stems from fundamental ideological differences between the two sides: the Phantom faction's enthusiasm for technological development is incompatible with the elders' values of advocating nature, which is strikingly similar to their historical differences with the former OG homeland.


Therefore, they once again embarked on the path of exile. Nine elders led a group of recruited rebels, carrying stolen equipment and models, and marched deep into the mountains. During the process of crossing unknown and hostile areas, despite encountering significant casualties, some strong warriors still survived. It was among these mountains that the nine elders began to establish their own country and developed the Meca mecha to protect it. Under the protection of steep natural barriers, they avoided the infiltration of OG and Phantom factions. After 20 years of exile and preparation, the F9 faction finally reappeared in front of the world with a combat ready posture, ready to compete with larger factions.

Discovering the Gadian people

In the first few years of exile, the location of the F9 faction was generally considered inaccessible to other factions. Their patrol team in the wilderness was always able to safely return until one day, they accidentally discovered a village of the Gadian tribe deep in the mountains.

Due to a misunderstanding caused by the F9's armed equipment, the Gadian guards immediately executed the entire patrol team, with only one F9 member standing high on the mountaintop overlooking the village surviving. The member quickly retreated and reported the situation to the faction leaders, which immediately triggered a strong reaction from F9.

The two factions have been embroiled in a long-standing conflict due to territorial erosion and disputes over the harm of the people. It was not until both sides captured each other's members during the war that they began to realize that their goals and beliefs were actually similar. As the interrogation deepened, the original interrogation gradually transformed into peaceful dialogue, which seemed to provide an opportunity for attempting diplomatic solutions.

The F9 faction did not send an armed convoy, but instead sent a leader in light gear to the village of Gadian to propose peace. Due to the lack of hostility, the Gadian tribe allowed the leader known as the "founder" to enter and listen to his demands. After a difficult translation process, the founder learned that the reason why the Gadian people showed hostility was because OG had posed a threat to them and occupied their holy land. The Gadian people were once forced to flee to the mountainous areas, which are now the location of their temples. They vowed to defend these sacred places to the death.

Alliance building

After elaborating on the history of F9 and their shared aversion to OG, the founder of F9 solemnly promises never to harm the people of Gadian again and not to allow similar unfortunate misunderstandings to happen again. The people of Gadian gladly accepted this peace proposal and held a grand three-day celebration. Citizens from both factions participated together, feeling a harmonious atmosphere between each other, as if reuniting with long lost family members.

As a reward for providing protection and alliance to F9, the people of Gadian shared their ancient knowledge, helping F9 develop to its current level. After witnessing the magical power of pearls, F9 changed their Meika energy source and promised not to use energy stones anymore, marking the abandonment of most of their connection with OG bloodline. As a result, the combat skills, meditation techniques, and Mekka equipment of the Gadian Mekka driver and F9 still maintain astonishing similarities, and the alliance between the two factions continues to this day.

F9 Meika Driver

The training process for F9 drivers is the most rigorous among all factions, and it is also an extremely prestigious honor. Starting from early adulthood, F9 driver candidates undergo intense physical and psychological tests, and it is thanks to the guidance of renowned senior drivers that newly recruited students are able to persevere through this challenging training.

F9 drivers often act autonomously in battles, pursuing glory and striving to eliminate as many enemies as possible. They have full confidence in their companions' skills and strength, but only participate in support missions when the enemy can control or reach them. If any F9 driver fails to return from the battle, a solemn memorial ceremony will be held to recognize their heroic fighting spirit and mourn the lost lives.

In terms of strategic deployment, F9 tends to deploy Mika in a dispersed manner on a vast battlefield. A single F9 Meika is highly lethal in close combat and can withstand enemy attacks with its unexpected first attack. If other F9 Mika can provide timely support to the combat area, they will form an almost unstoppable offensive, dealing a fatal blow to the besieged or limited enemy groups.

Technical attributes

The F9 faction's Mekka inherits OG Mekka's rugged aesthetics due to its historical origins, but is more refined and complex in design details. In terms of weapon systems, the F9 Meca was relatively primitive before encountering the Gadians, as they imparted knowledge of ancient swords and assisted the F9 in creating a similar new type of sharp blade.

F9 is the only faction that has successfully integrated the knowledge of all other factions, using this knowledge to optimize the Meca technique to adapt to various environments required for its tactical strategy. This fusion was formed after the nine elders received guidance from the Gadians and is still the preferred method for F9's innovative technology to this day.


leisure activities

Members of the F9 faction enjoy ceremonial displays of melee weapons, which, although using lethal equipment, are only conducted as sports. All participants are equally respected, and the highly skilled 'winners' do not pursue personal glory, but are committed to improving the skills of their peers.